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Meta-Me. The Emerging Digital Self

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We are now entering an era of quantification and automation. Every person, place, and thing is being written about, annotated, digitized, and automated. Machines and services are designed to serve our new analog and digital composite selves: the “Meta Me.” What does Meta Me mean for our ability to live healthy, happy, and self-determined lives? Every business and everyone will...

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The Promise of Personalized Wellness: Trends and Business Models

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80% of some of the most common an costly health conditions could be prevented through lifestyle changes. To make these changes happen, we spend billions of dollars on wellness. However, most studies show that a large portion of what we spend is wasted on heavily marketed, one-size-fits-all solutions that do not necessarily lead to any measurable outcomes. Personalized Wellness holds...

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Empowering Consumer with Smart Devices and Smart Data for Proactive ‘Health Care’

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The future of patient-centered healthcare is increasingly migrating from medical centers to home. The focus of this talk will be on personalized, proactive, and predictive solutions that will allow for better care and better value resulting in better health. There are many solutions disrupting healthcare such as connected medical home, nano medicine, robotics, and genomics. The future of patient-centric healthcare...

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Closing the Loop: from Measuring to Improving Wellbeing with a Wearable Smart Patch

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Today’s wearable sensors track biomarkers of stress, but radical breakthroughs in consumer wellness are coming from technologies that can “close the loop”, providing clinical-grade, discreet biofeedback to users to improve emotional self-regulation. Our current understanding of emotion is the brain and body are in a tight feedback loop. By intervening in negative emotional states at the level of the body,...

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Biohacking Gets Personal: How Big Data and an Army of Sensors Changes Everything

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Information drives everything. From information theory one can derive thermodynamics, model the origin of the universe, or solve biological protein folding. Yet, our bodies have remained black boxes, understood generally in physiology textbooks, but obscure and opaque in individual life. But, this is changing. Hacking into our bodies now provides the rich monitoring we expect to use when we study...

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